Climate is fucked, animals continue to go extinct even more, our money will be worth nothing the coming years… What motivation do I even have to care to keep going? The world is ran and basically owned by corrupt rich people, there’s poverty, war, etc. It makes me sick to my stomach the way to world is. So I ask, why bother anymore?

    2 years ago

    Because you’re human and that’s what we do. There has been and always will be problems that exist beyond our control. What has made humanity unique is its ability to overcome or adapt to conflict.

    You’re having what’s called an Existential Crisis where you question what the point of any of it is at all. Be it during the crisis we’re currently enduring or be it in a time of great peace and splendor, there very likely is no point to any of this.

    Don’t allow the world to inflict unnecessary burden upon you. Find and focus on your inner peace.

    If you want to find a purpose, be a good, genuine, and kind individual. Bring joy to others.

      2 years ago

      salute Well said! Turn down the noise and focus on the moment. It is possible to overdose on news.

    2 years ago

    The point is your gained wisdom through experience. That’s what the old people always tried to tell us.

    Are you going to solve any of those problems? No. Are you going to be able to join some organization or movement that solves them? Probably no. Will you be able to affect any change that the world will take notice of? Probably not.

    But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be a part of it. Not everything that has value makes meaningful changes on the world. There was a French artist, Marcel Duchamps, who once exhibited a urinal. This was clearly not an attempt to move art in any direction, or change public perception, he was kinda just being an asshole. But it had that effect anyway. People still get pissy about it, in the form of, “Is it art?” conversations. Is it? Doesn’t matter. It was a low effort one-off idea that has lasted for decades.

    Life isn’t actually a race to see how much you can achieve. And if it was that, then it wouldn’t be measured by money. It wouldn’t be measured by “legacy,” the way we use that word for rich people and sports stars. If it really was a contest, then it would be based on how much good you can manage in the face of constant depressive onslaught.

    The world has never seemed like it has a point to most people. But they try their best, and they make meaningful impact on the lives of others, often without intention or even knowledge of having done so .

    One of my most influential people has no idea that he did anything. He’s around somewhere, although I haven’t seen him for 20 years. All he did was treat me like a person when I was a dumb teenager (not to say all teenagers are dumb, but I was). It really wasn’t much. But I hadn’t been treated that way before, so to me it’s influential because it was something he did that he didn’t have to do.

    That guy is not going to be lying on his deathbed thinking, “At least I was a good influence on scared of planes.” For all I know, he doesn’t remember me. Doesn’t matter. He spread some good into the world. That’s your job. That’s your point.

    Just be a better you tomorrow than you are today, as many days as you can manage. Know that no one does that every day. And you’ll live a meaningful life that maybe has influence. Your legacy is you.

    2 years ago

    While climate is new, corruption among ruling classes is a story as old as civilization.

    Was living ever motivated?

    Well, one of the differences between now and then is the access to bad information.

    If you were living in a village and a village far away from you was all killed off, maybe you’d hear about it eventually.

    Today, you’d be able to see photos the same day.

    So online access is overstimulating your “wow this is screwed” circuitry in ways you wouldn’t have experienced decades, centuries, millennia ago.

    Maybe a bit of a break from online news would be helpful.

    The world has always sucked and had issues. But you were just way less likely to be constantly aware of it.

    If anything, the past few years show some incredible promise for things changing in terms of corruption among ruling classes, even if the climate is long term going to completely screw us.

    But humanity was never going to last forever, and whether or not you are part of the last hurrah for the species shouldn’t necessarily detract from your experience in the here and now of it.

    Find your own meaning and path on a relative basis, and be less caught up in existential dread, especially given there’s little benefit to absorbing yourself in the latter.

    2 years ago

    Same reason people have gone on for a million years. Noe of that matters or is really as bad as it sound at an individual level. Individually you have it better now than at any point in history, asking why ‘you’ should go on because of the unknown future effects of the climate crisis (which is real enough, and shouldn’t be understated) sounds more like depression than a valid outlook that people should have considering actual world events.

    Even the worst off people on earth, on average, are better off now than they were 1000s or even 100s of years ago. There have always been poverty, starvation, wars, rich taking advantage of the poor, and fewer safeguards or oversight on top of that.

    2 years ago

    "It is no measure of good health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society " - Jiddu Krishnamurti

    2 years ago

    Life has always been what you make it. If you’re looking for purpose to come to you naturally then you’ll be waiting just long enough to die.

    2 years ago

    The way I see it, we are fucked. With one exception, if we (the 99%) collaborate, we can help make this world a better place. If there’s one thing we have against the wealthy, its numbers. Basically my whole argument boils down to hope. If all of us hope for a better world and work to make it happen (protest, voting, striking, etc.) the world can be a better place. Call it delusional, but it helps me sleep at night.

    2 years ago

    The thing that humans have is resilience. We can jump off the f’d up train track if we put our efforts toward that goal.

    Remember the ozone hole? It’s been shrinking and almost back to normal, per scientists who watch. Pesticides put birds on the endangered list, but after that pesticide was banned, they have become abundant again. We don’t remember the wins, but they are there. Humanity will change their ways, but only when they have exhausted the other ways, first. We can ban more pesticides. We’ve done it before, we will do it again. We are on the verge of a clean energy future. The old rich fossils can hold on to the old ways for only so long, They are dying out. They will be replaced by a new ethics, who will find new ways to screw up.

    2 years ago

    Rich people don’t want to sell their stocks yet. So we all can’t act like adults and admit everything is fucked or their fake assets will start to lose value before they’ve convinced you to become so invested in the charade that you’re willing to buy them.

    2 years ago

    You’re at a moment in history where the only two real options are utopia or extinction. There are some worse things than extinction that people also worry about, but lets call it all “extinction” for now. Super-intelligence is coming. It literally can’t be stopped at this point. The only question is whether it’s 2, 5, or 10 years.

    If we don’t solve alignment, you die. It is the default. AI alignment is the hardest problem humans have ever tried to solve. Global warming will cause suffering on that timescale, but not extinction. A well-aligned super-intelligence has actual potential to reverse global warming. A misaligned one will mean it doesn’t matter.

    So, if you care, you should be working in AI alignment. If you don’t have the skillset, find something else:

    Every single dismissal of AI “doom” is based on wishful thinking and hand-waving.

    2 years ago

    We live, we serve cunt, we die

    Jkjk. I think why I stick around is bc I can help others even in the smallest ways, and that brings me joy. Also, the art that people create and the knowledge to learn are big factors as well.