Explaination: That is a Pokemon named Zubat, Using an attack called Supersonic which has a 55% chance of confusing the defending Pokemon.
Never felt like 55% though…
100% chance if you’re fighting one, 0% chance if they’re your pokemon
Which they split the diff and call 55% in the strat guide to give you misguided hope. 😔
Just like my luck IRL! :’)
thank you! I think it confused me somehow
What’s confusing about a bat blowing smoke rings?
Ok. I guess I am confused.
In Pokemon, the move supersonic confuses your opponent. However, it only has a 55% chance of hitting successfully. This Zubat is using supersonic on you. Are you unscathed?!
I was starting to think this was one of those memes that don’t make sense and the joke is that it doesn’t make sense.
No but this didn’t scathe me further.
Thanks for the explanation.
Bruh I’m so scathed rn, frfr
Are you being serious or making a joke?
In case you’re being serious, that is the pokémon Zubat, and it is using the move Confusion, which has a chance of afflicting the opponent pokémon with a Confused status effect.
I hurt myself
More like when I use it, it never works, but when a wild Pokemon uses it, it hits every. single. fucking. time!
Zubatta believe it.
snor10 is confused!
snor10 used POST!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
I mean I get whats happening in the zubat photo, but I’m still confused as to why this is a thing. So, yeah…
Well I looked at the meme, and my first thought was “I’m confused” because I didn’t get it. So I guess I’m one of the people that were confused.
Now I hurt myself out of confusion again! Think before you post dangerous stuff like that, will you?!
It’s super effective!
I think it’s closer to 75% (75.25% precisely). 55% because of the attack and 55% trying to figure out what the picture is. Stacking those stats, of those who weren’t confused at first, those 45% remaining were subjected to the effect of the attack. Only 25% remained unaffected.
I get it
I bit my tongue after reading this and I blame you OP!
Don’t hurt yourself in your confusion!
I walked into a wall while reading this
Are Pokémon people too?
That depends on whether or not people are Pokemon?
Mixed Martial Arts tournaments are basically Pokémon tournaments?