I swear this cat is the embodiment of yelling. I love him to death but man. Maybe don’t meow every two seconds?
Morning. Noon. Night. Should have named our girl Callas and the boy Pavarotti.
Honestly though it can be both super cute and awesome having conversations with them, and it can also be super rough trying to deal with 3am conversations.
So cute though!
The real question is do you talk back?
Of course! And so the cycle continues
he screm
I’ve got one like this. She fusses at me if I enter a room and do not stop to massage her. Not just pet. She wants a claws-out-to-hold-stable massage and will follow me around until she gets it.
This one screams for you to pick him up, then screams to put him down. Then screams to eat, then screams for scritches while eating, then screams to go out, then screams to come in. He just screams to scream. It’s perpetual.
Your screamer looks just like one of our cats, who we named “Inky”, after the ghost in Pac-Man. His black fur comes a little bit closer on his chest, giving the impression he’s wearing a cape, but at first glance they look like twins.
He’s the reincarnation of my first cat who was also a Tux. They have so many of the same mannerisms <3