(You should play Cassette Beasts)
Pffft…Pokémon? I only do Pacman. Did mention I run Arch? I run Arch, by the way.
Well, for pokemon, I guess you would use yay, wouldn’t you? I mean minecraft has to be installed from AUR as well, and I have never used pacman to install from AUR, is that possible?
Pokemon AppImage
How long do you think it would take to build Scarlet/Violet from their binaries?
I can’t say if dislike appimage or snap more 🤔 I guess snap, because you can create a pkg that just installs an appimage as if it was a normal package 🤔
Pokemon Docker.
Docker! Docker!
Docker evolved into Podman! Podman forgot daemon and learned rootless!
Cassette beasts is awesome. I hope we can get more good monster collection games. I need to find the time to try palworld.
Apparently the company’s history is kinda sketch and the owner (I think) was talking about being able to use AI to generate new Pokemon and bypass copyright. They’re also using some stock unity assets.
TL;DR it’s no cassette beasts in terms of heart put into it as far as I can tell.
I mean, that’s fair. I wasn’t expecting game-of-the-year out of it. I really don’t care about stock assets as long as they don’t distract from the game.
I’ll be totally honest though: pokemon is one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time, I couldn’t care less about folks taking good ideas from them. Their new games are clearly rushed and play badly with bad stories.
I can sympathize with that to a certain extent but this just seems like a shameless cash grab to me. It’s one thing to take good ideas and build on them, it’s another to repackage them just enough that the main goal is avoiding copyright issues.
ScarVio and SwSh were shameless cash grabs, especially ScarVio. Gamefreak is insanely lazy now. I’m totally cool with a company jockin their style and making a game that’s more fun (and runs above 10FPS)
They’ve been in development like 3 years now, I wouldn’t call it a cash grab.
This has been in early access for like 4 years now and people seem to have given up on getting much support for it. Maybe I’m overly cynical after many Epic experiences but I don’t trust them :shrug: I’ll reconsider if it’s still going strong and actively being supported in a year or so.
Cash grab or not. They got the formula down for a fun game. Good for them.
Yeah, see if it gets updates a few months from now. Chances are they got most of the money they are ever gonna make of it already. So, just move on to the next cash grab, I guess?
I think we need to get over the issue of stock assets. Not everyone is artists and games take years to make. Games with stock assets that have put time and love into mechanics shouldn’t be punished. AI is a different discussion entirely of course.
Stock assets do not mean asset flip. Asset flips are such because the game and systems are primitive with very little effort taken.
I think I didn’t express myself correctly, I don’t have an inherent problem with using preexisting assets, I just think that some of the assets used don’t fit with the art style at all and feel super out of place.
That just says “very little effort taken” to integrate that asset to me. I don’t think “asset flip” necessarily but it does bother me. It doesn’t feel consistent.
I played Monster Sanctuary for quite some time and found it quite charming. I don’t know how it compares to Casette Beasts though.
It’s running Ubuntu!
Aw hell no! They better allow me install a different distro right away!
You could just change the text on the string
Pokémon Debian and Pokémon Redhat
Pokémon Debian and Pokémon Arch makes more sense to me.
Pokémon Nix and Pokémon Arch
Pokemon Arch Edition is the third release in the series
Pokémon.jar Pokémon jar 😇☕ 💀
Removed by mod
yay pokemon
Pokémon mint green
I bought Cassette Beasts a few months ago but never got around to play it. I just want you to know that it was this post what made me finally play.
Cool! I hope you enjoy it. It’s such a heartful game and its battle mechanics add more depth to the formula.