Yeah but look what happened to him
We weren’t allowed to have facial hair below the ears in catholic school. Used to bring up my man JC’s full fucking beard all the time when they hassled me.
I wonder why boys in a Catholic school can’t have long hair like a girl? It’s not like it would make them look more like a girl would it? And even if it did make them look more girlish, how would that affect anybody at the Catholic school? It’s not like Catholics are known for nefarious things…
Listen man, the priests like what they like. Don’t kink shame.
True. Judge not lest ye be judged and whatnot. Mb.
Lol 😂
I take pretty much every opportunity to shit on the rosary rattler cult, but this is the first I’ve heard of this particular rule, I’m pretty sure it’s just some Catholic schools. And surely “Jesus had long hair” came up often.
The rule is quite prevalent in the Philippines
Female Skirts should be 2 inches below the knee. No crumpled socks.
No makeup, no nail polish. No flamboyant artificial hair color.
Yeah my Catholic school allowed everyone to have whatever hairstyle they wanted. Hair dye, piercings, and tattoos were also allowed. Actually, not sure about the tattoos but I definitely had friends who had them and they weren’t expelled or anything.
They don’t want any of the girls to mistake one of the boys for Jesus and accidentally sin trying to do his will.
It’s just a way to control people and instill the idea that being controlled is fine and good
Jesus was trans confirmed ✅
I mean, where tf is he supposed to get an Y chromosome if Mary is a virgin?
God is a female confirmed ✅
just afab. He clearly goes by He/Him pronouns (extra credit: discuss if the capitalized form counts as a neopronoun)
Technically that’s misgendering by the part of whoever write the things. God made man and woman in their image, so they are neither. It should be a They. Even more so if you consider his 3-part existence.
lmao, god’s pronouns are specifically the plural They/Them
Even more so if you consider his 3-part existence
lmao got me
They’re just full of hypocrisy.
I never thought of that!