You should be able to control the brightness. There at least are many ways you can do this in Linux.
You should be able to control the brightness. There at least are many ways you can do this in Linux.
Sure, I’m willing to eat my words on that one, for some reason my memory said 6a was 2.0
Yes, the choice being the respective SoCs not needing 3.0 support because they were intended to be used with lightning connectors.
I mean Pixel 6 still didnt have 3.0 support, so the 15 year old argument doesnt hold too much ground either.
Doesn’t that run M2 SoC?
Someone else commented that the SoC literally lacks the capability to run above 2.0. If this is the case it would be very hard to call this even scummy adjacent.
Yea, well, there you go. Pretty much straight up supports my original claim. If they need to full on change the SoC why in the hell would they fork up to support thunderbolt on iphones.
Two factors. Do they still have lightning hardware sitting on shelves? Do they need to design to fit the iphone form factor? If the answer is yes to either of these, designing for TB this release cycle seems non-sensical when most people only use the cable to charge their phones.
I think that is most likely a lot of what drives that divide, but this almost certainly the case for the port. Some shit undoubtedly is software locked, and that is in fact scummy, but new hardware will always be more expensive than hardware you have already designed and maybe even have lying around.
To get thunderbolt in there they probably need a new board specifically for the iphone, while they can just cram in the lightning version with a new solder job and call it a day.
At the end of the day 95+% of the people who will use their phones will only use the port for charging anyway.
I mean, it’s not like it matters much. Most of apple devices actually expected to transfer data over wire are on thunderbolt already aren’t they? Frankly I’m a little surprised they switched to C on 15 already, iirc they could have still released this cycle on lightning according to EU regulation (I think it only comes in effect end of 2024, right?) It comes to me as no surprise that they use up the controllers they had for lightning before they roll out thunderbolt. It will probably be 2.0 for base and thunderbolt for pro this cycle and likely thunderbolt for all next cycle. That would be the apple m/o.
ITT people pretending this is a spite based move, when realistically it is probably cutting costs by reusing the same hardware they used for lightning ports just soldering on a USB-C port instead of a lightning one.
Because they are probably using the same controller, just rewired to usbc, there are videos of this modification being done aftermarket.
The bank takes the cut anyway, it is by and large offloaded to the vendors. The bank takes a nominal “service fee” that I generally “get back” many times over in creditcard cashbacks etc, plus it ensures my purchase. Hard to actually see the benefit of using cash only.
I don’t deny that the labour is physically harder, I’ve worked in my life retail, office and landscaping, I know that physical labour is tough. Though hard overall is subjective, I undoubtedly hated and found most every other job harder than my stint of about a year in landscaping, which was physically very taxing. The landscaping gig might have been the favorite job I’ve ever had.
But, no, I am not talking about people who work as farmers / labourers commercially, but instead the question is mostly about self sustained homestead / village living.
Growing uo I had small scale farmers in my family and had a countryside house where I knew a lot of the beighbours who lived there full time. Generally they seemed to have a couple of bursts of work during a day but most of the day was slowly and steadily attending to one or another chore / upkeep task
I would vager people living this way actually work far less hours in a given year than a person living a modern capitalist life, especially if you factor upkeep you have to do for your house after work etc, even if we assume a 40 hour work week, which lets face it, the average person probably exceeds (64 hours for me, personally).
Is it not true though that this is seasonal and overall people that live this way work less than the average person living a modern life?
It is not like you get home from work and have no chores etc. Realistically a lot of the work these people do is something that a person with a house would call chores / upkeep.
well it ain’t no PG TIPS but it will make a gallon of oddly flavored water
Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.
Wouldn’t the price go up irrespective of which side you tax it on? Obviously if this is a megacorp, they could spread it out over unrelated products, but in the end its not like theyll roll over, take the corporate tax and leave the product at the old price. Is it being a poor tax even that bad of a thing? This is not a necessity and poor people are generally going to be the ones that suffer from poor diet / lifestyle choices in very big part due to the price/calorie aspect of junkfood et al. Lets be real, if you buy a bar once a week, 1.29->3.29 is not a big deal.
Also, we do have tax on sugarry soft drinks in the EU (atleast my country), it is just laughably small compared to EtOH and tobacco). I personally always have thought that anything with added sugar beyond a certain amount should get a heavy tax, conditional on this tax being funneled into healthcare / public health programs.
I dont care about the jack, the lightning-3.5 for 10bucks is more than a-ok, that said fuck bluetooth headphones, apart from the “smart” features, sub 50$ cans can and will blow the audio quality out of the water for many of the “entry level” (quotes cause entry is still approaching 100 bucks) BT ones and when you match price it is no-contest.
That said BT cans are still fine but after dabbling with hi-fi I can’t go back to BT.
No affordable way around it? If you are approaching BT headphone cost, your headphones or buds will almost definitely come with a detacheable wire.
Personally my on the go is PortaPro, they dont have detacheable cable, the wire is flimsy but are only 30 bucks and the repair on them is actually super easy, the part where the wires solder on is actually easily accessible.
Did you enable C2I in the monitor settings?