I can’t even remember the last time I had cash in my wallet
I can’t even remember the last time I had cash in my wallet
I’d love a walkthrough on how to do that. To be honest, it’s been a while since I installed it and I’ve forgotten what I needed to do.
I have reVanced but unfortunately I struggle with getting it to work consistently. Most commonly, the video will play for a minute or so and then buffer endlessly. My Internet research tells me the only way to fix it is to root my device, and I’m honestly not willing to go that far. Luckily I have adblock installed on my phone, so the official app is tolerable.
Pure oxygen does not burn on its own. It needs a fuel.
Set up a trap, catch it, and bring it up a local shelter. If it has an owner, they’ll learn a lesson about not letting their cat roam the neighborhood, and if it doesn’t, it’ll find a nice home.
Differing views are not the foundation of a healthy relationship. I absolutely would not be with someone who didn’t align with mine.
I almost exclusively use the subscription feed. The front page is a mess of terrible recommendations on videos I have no interest in watching.
I can confirm that the Sony Xperia 1 has a headphone jack and works on Verizon (I’m currently typing this comment on mine).
I did have to go into the store to get it activated unfortunately, as my SIM card from my Galaxy didn’t work.
Headphone jack for life.
And the website is called something like Best-Vacuum-Cleaners-Blog.com
The normal price is $89.99, which represents a 15% discount off the MSRP of $119.99 (that they’re claiming). The current price of $64.99, is a discount of 42%, which represents an additional 27% off. I don’t think this listing necessarily proves the point.
That being said, companies absolutely do engage in this kind of bullshit. This one may have done it itself in order to claim the MSRP at $119.99.
So it’s actually impossible for me to have seen this movie, because it wasn’t made and definitely doesn’t exist, but The Last Airbender. I’m glad it doesn’t actually exist, because if it did, then it would have been made by M. Night Shamalamadingdong and would have been some of the worst cinema ever created. Should this movie have actually existed, it would have been a sophomoric and badly made disaster with some of the worst writing, action, special effects, pacing, acting and a complete misunderstand of the source material.
If I were to have pirated it and watched it, I would still want a refund.
But that never happened, because there is no movie in Ba Sing Se.
Also the classic “my boyfriend said my boobs were too big.”
No he didn’t. Literally no one ever said that.
Every one I’ve had since my galaxy s5 has had one. What phones are you buying?