• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • Ok, I will. hey me are u a little weakling after starting hrt? No. Thx me! But seriously, there is more variation between individuals than the two data sets as a whole in almost every biological data point. As any biologist\medical researcher will tell you. No I don’t think statistics and math are sexist and racist. But I am aware of the fact that people in power will use them along with bad science in general to popularize and legitimatize their ideology. Also gender doesn’t equal sex and hormones are not the only determiner of sex.

  • Try talking to her about it, when you two aren’t going to be or have not been around her family recently. And start the conversation on the topic of how its affecting her, not you. Express concern for her, bring up how it seems from your point of view. That she feels the need to change who she is when she is around her family and your worried about how its affecting her mental and doesn’t seem like a healthy relationship with her family. And be open to her response. Be prepared for this to take awhile cause it all likelihood this is a lifelong thing for her. And while your at it examine how you might change around family and how well you hold your boundaries with them. Then tell her about your conclusions. This can be an opportunity to grow as people together.