Attempting to avoid triggering negative feelings (e.g. disgust) in the people around you is part of #1.
That generally requires #2, but might not depending other actions and niche situations.
I’m also on Mastodon as .
Attempting to avoid triggering negative feelings (e.g. disgust) in the people around you is part of #1.
That generally requires #2, but might not depending other actions and niche situations.
Signal, Wire, and Jami all support group chats that are E2EE. Discord’s reasons for not doing it might not be sinister, but they don’t need that level of access to your content in order to provide their core service.
TIL. That sucks.
You might like this video: about how to build one from Earth.
There are some of you out there that really can’t return the cart. Maybe it’s your own mobility issues; maybe it’s children, animals, or something else that you can’t leave unattended in the vehicle; maybe you just ran out of spoons picking up your medical supplies; whatever reason–I got chu, fam.
When I turn around to return my cart, I always look for stragglers and bring them back. I’m forever alone, but healthy, so getting carts back to their “home” is the least I can do.
My boyfriend seem to prefer eating pussy. ;)
(I don’t have a boyfriend or a supply of pussy.)
Definitions are tricky, and especially for terms that are broadly considered virtuous/positive by the general public (cf. “organic”) but I tend to deny something is open source unless you can recreate any binaries/output AND it is presented in the “preferred form for modification” (i.e. the way the GPLv3 defines the “source form”).
A disassembled/decompiled binary might nominally be in some programming language–suitable input to a compiler for that langauge–but that doesn’t actually make it the source code for that binary because it is not in the form the entity most enabled to make a modified form of the binary (normally the original author) would prefer to make modifications.
I was a daily reader of CAD at the time and I thought the reaction was disproportionate, but none of my partners have ever had a miscarriage during the time I was with them, as far as I know. (I cannot have a miscarriage myself.) There were some reactions that just seemed “mean”, but some people that had experienced a miscarriage (or a partner’s miscarriage) felt attacked/wronged by the comic for various reasons. I personally thought it was creative, tho it was not the tone I was expecting.
I think we mostly still don’t really know what makes things “go viral”, so I’m really not sure why it did, though I think most of the “meme-abilty” has to do with how “recognizable” the minimalist takes make it. Ex: :.|:;
You want code that works as intended instead of through trial and error? TDD (Test-Driven Development).
You don’t have to follow a specific process, but you do need to internalize that way of thinking about development, so you can use it as a tool. Tests are a good way (but not the only way) to set your intent, focus your writing, and acknowledge your progress.
If you find tests useful, you might also proceed to mutation testing (jester / pester / mu check) or property testing (quickcheck / hypothesis / fastcheck). Or, even graduate to the real TDD (Type-Driven Development) which is best covered by the “TDD with Idris” book.
Wikipedia is as accurate as printed encyclopedias, in at least one study.
The Wikimedia Foundation only has one CEO, but many members, and Wikipedia has tens of thousands of contributiors that are not foundation members.
Yeah, they even finally rebranded the YT channel last year so it is now Dropout instead of CollegeHumor. They are doing some interesting stuff currently (Gamechanger is almost always good), and all their old sketches and programs are there too.
I ended up getting a lifetime subscription, and it’s definitely worth it, but it’s not a replacement for YT entirely. has good comedy videos which is largely lacking from Nebula, but I find it buffers more often for me, which makes it uniquely bad among all the streaming services I’ve used.
But, I watch plenty of fan compilations / animatics for stuff on YT from my recommendations, and I haven’t found them anywhere else either because they don’t exist or because they don’t get recommended to me. It seems difficult for that kind of stuff to exist without free, easy uploads AND free, easy viewing.
Finally there are some people that primarily do Twitch that I subscribe to on YT. I’ve tried watching them on Twitch, and I prefer the content after their YT editor has worked their magic.
I vote red flag, since it’s sound like something I would do. (Definitely something I did in secondary school.)
Avoid creating or growing an organization that has a strong hierarchical structure, as they are easier for fascists to convert/infiltrate. Democratic structure can be better, but beware giving any power to the intolerant.
If you are comfortable, #4 might involve physical, martial, melee, firearm, etc. training. It is not unlikely that the current fascists in power use violence to grow/retain power, and that might require violence as part of the fight. That said, I feel there’s plenty of non-violent ways to fight fascism, for now.
Consuming the media is fine; funding the bad people (or their heirs and assigns) is not. Sail the high seas, mateys.
As a Berniecrat, I’m been advocating for making the US more like Denmark for decades.
A shame that it took an attempt to erase the sovereignty of Greenland to make this meme. 🤪
Never tried it myself. I did provide clean urine to a friend, but I think their plan was just to wear it in/near their crotch long enough for it to warm up.
I’d imagine microwaving might work, as long as you didn’t do it too long. But, I don’t know if there’s some ions or proteins in urine that are more sensitive to microwaves than other heating methods.
Many people share their home with others. They would still shower to the nice.
While a daily shower is overkill, and there are other ways to deal with it, most people need some sort of bathing routine as part of basic skin care: removing accumulated dust, dirt, sebum, sweat, etc. from the skin, particularly joints/folds/crevices.