I think washing is probably a good thing.
damn, that’s not subtle
Apocrine glands I think.
I think it might be generational at lot of the time. At least in the UK. It wouldn’t occur to me to use the term, or even to notice most of the time. An uncle said to me once “it’s not for me, but I don’t see a problem with it”. That shocked me because the starting point of that train of thought is so outside my frame of reference.
Had that been considered necessary, it would have been done.
That’s a serval, I think. Maybe a caracal?
Hittite Cavalry Manoeuvres
I’m the disembodied pair of thighs, it was great.
If you were prettier he would have enjoyed it.
There’s a lot of misinformation about this event, which was formally acknowledged by the USA fairly recently. He did leave unharmed, I was surprised to hear anybody thought otherwise. However, you are stretching credulity by claiming he was pro-government. Seeing as he was never located, I can at least concede that neither of us know what he was thinking at the time.
Leave the micropenis guys alone, it’s already a shit card to be dealt.
Which is why I’ll never call Turkey “Türkiye”, though they’re free to call themselves that. I don’t see Germany insisting I call it Deutschland, after all.
Golfo de México is just as annoying, well done.
“100 million smokers can’t be wrong!”
Strange place.
I disagree.