If you’re not sure just guess femminine, that seema to be the case more often than not
If you’re not sure just guess femminine, that seema to be the case more often than not
I forgot that the us is one of the few countries that washes the eggs and as a result they have to be refridgerated, its weirs for me to just see them out on the floor at room temperature
Error: failed to reach dns server
Its been speced out for a couple a years but the spec always comes out years before we see any motherboards capable of them and years before we have devices capable of them. Are there any x16 pcie 5 gpus out yet?
I never really thought much of it just a ‘huh, it looks white ans gold to me’ then i realized ive had a blue light filter on my computer and phone for a long time and its heavily skewed into red. Turns out turning that off helped me see it as blue and black. Who knew
Well its probably sweet if you’re diabetic
This likely wouldnt work because that corporation could get in trouble for corporate espianoge. Some guy reportedly stole the recipe for cococola and tried to sell it to pepsi and they ratted him out
Wow I cant’t wait to ignore the comment section even more, it was already a shithole now its going to be a shithole WITH BOTS!
Was it a cat? Mine likes to steal and hide things under the couch
I moved to almond milk and greatly enjoy it but when I found out how much water is needed to grow them I decided to try out oak milk - didnt like the unsweatend unflavored version, best I could describe it tasted like the smell of chicken. Really weird, but the sweatened, vanilla oak milk is platable for me.
Do you still do 105 now though? If so, you’re still dumb and a danger to others on the road. I limit myself to a 250cc just so I dont get any stupid ideas
North Carolina has a coastline though. Granted the issue this time was that the storm came in from the southwest and hit communities that were completely unprepared for the heavy rain, high winds and flash floods
Thanks for reminding me of that song
I can promise you, if a guy saw a sexy nude women in a window one time, every time he walks down that street he will look at the window, just in case
2 options. 1: if possible get a dog door so that your pets can at least get outside in case something happens, become friebdly with your neighbors so they might notice any abnormalities, set up a truat fund for them (like thar lady in the aristocats) 2. Dont outlive your wife
Im cutious how much lower the ocean’s water level would be t fill in for the missing land because thats a lot of cubic volume and what impact that might have on further revealing existing land due to the lower water levels
You should ask your TSA agent the next time youre at an american airport
Time travel to 12 hours ago so I can get more sleep
Its not like they’re taking your money to las vegas and gambling on red. They use that money to provide loans for others who apply for them. The interest they make on those loans is also how you make interest on your savings account, its also why when the governmwnt raises or lowers the interest rates for loans it also affects the rate you get for your savings account and CDs