I don’t give a shit if you want to wake up at 5AM to do your job, don’t ring my fucking doorbell. Some of us work until midnight. Just because you wake up at the crack of dawn doesn’t mean everyone does. How would you like it if I rang your doorbell at 3AM?
probably they were in the area for another job, so knocking on doors for extra work doesn’t cost them anything and maybe they can pickup a few bucks while they are there.
Duuuude, I hate that shit. If I need you, don’t worry, I know how to find you. I wasn’t just sitting here hoping somebody would offer to cut my grass, I was fucking sleeping!
I’ve always wondered about the legality of no solicitation signs.
The only time I’ve ever acted on one of these prospecting doorbell rings was when we had 2 feet of snow to shovel and the neighborhood teens were trying to earn some extra cash.