I don’t give a shit if you want to wake up at 5AM to do your job, don’t ring my fucking doorbell. Some of us work until midnight. Just because you wake up at the crack of dawn doesn’t mean everyone does. How would you like it if I rang your doorbell at 3AM?
What’s casual about saying “FUCK SOMEONES JOB”?
Maybe this should be better in !goodoffmychest@lemmy.world ?
Not sure how to start a conversation from here
I think the question for OP is: “Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about??”
Did he order them? If yes then surely he knew beforehand no? If not then why did they ring his door? Either way just put in earplugs and turn off your doorbell.
Classic doorbells can’t be turned off
And I think their point is that landscapers should ask before knocking at 5am since most people aren’t up that early
It’s pretty easy to disconnect a single wire from a transformer, bell, or switch. This is a real turnoff.
My doorbell broke about a week after we moved in. I had plans to replace it, even bought a new one, but it was at the bottom of the priority list.
That was 8 years ago. The only people who knock on my door are salespeople. Why do I need a doorbell?
My house didn’t come with a doorbell. My wife said “we need to install a doorbell.” I asked “what for?” She hasn’t been able to come up with a good reason, so it hasn’t happened.
5 AM is too early! Why did they need to knock on your door?
probably they were in the area for another job, so knocking on doors for extra work doesn’t cost them anything and maybe they can pickup a few bucks while they are there.
Duuuude, I hate that shit. If I need you, don’t worry, I know how to find you. I wasn’t just sitting here hoping somebody would offer to cut my grass, I was fucking sleeping!
I’ve always wondered about the legality of no solicitation signs.
The only time I’ve ever acted on one of these prospecting doorbell rings was when we had 2 feet of snow to shovel and the neighborhood teens were trying to earn some extra cash.
Also, I’m sure this isn’t all landscapers but the absolutely astounding ignorance of plants among most landscapers makes me avoid them like the plague. Most homeowners assume they’re experts but generally they know almost nothing about trees and gardening.
I used to work at a garden center and have heard the horror stories from customers about landscapers cutting off bud-bearing old growth and tearing out native wildflower beds.
I’m an arborist and I’ve seen more trees killed by landscapers than any pest or disease.
Volcano mulch and flush cuts! 😬
And crepe-murder of all the crepe myrtles (a.k.a. pollarding)
I’m not familiar with the practice that you’re talking about (landscapers ringing doorbells?), but if you can’t just ask whoever it is to stop, I’m sure that it’s possible to go with a technological solution.
Here’s someone on Reddit sticking what looks like a remote-controlled switch, schedulable cutoff in line with their doorbell wiring.
Probably a variety of options out there along those lines. Looks like doorbell wiring is typically about 16-24V, AC, handle 10-40 watts, so any gizmo with a relay that can pass through that much power can just be stuck inline on the wiring to cut it off. Need a battery or another source of power to run the thing, though, as the above link mentions.
If you really want to go low-tech and don’t mind flipping a cutoff at night and in the morning, you could just put an actual physical switch on it to control it.
There’s a whole line of “smart” doorbells out there too, and some may have functionality integrated to do this.
EDIT: Here, here’s a self-contained battery-powered relay timer switch that can do AC 24V at 16A – you only need like 2A.
I have an allegorical story that might help you, friend. The moral of this story is that anger at others poisons the self. Really keep in mind that the physical discomfort is a sensation, pain is a sensation, and that anger is an emotion. The story: let’s say we are in class and the person in front of us is doing that thing where they shake their leg up and down and they have some keys in their pocket. The keys are making a jingle sound and the person doesn’t seem to realize that the noise is annoying to us. We have some options in this situation. As part of the story, let’s say that we are a powerful magician. We are a magician that can do anything, without anyone knowing, and no one could prove it. If we wanted to, no one would even remember it. Now we really have some options. The question I pose is: if you could do anything in this situation, what should you do? There are infinite answers, of course, but for the purposes of the story I will try to do the least evil thing possible. What is the most evil thing? For comparison purposes, it might be removing the guy’s genes from reality after several eons of torture. Now, given infinite power as a magician, this would be feasible. I mention the evil choice because, of course, we will be choosing the most good choice. What might this choice look like? Something that doesn’t violate the guy would be the better choice. We could let the guy read our mind, seeing just how annoying the jingle keys are to us. This would change his mind. We might give the guy an upgraded car with a biometric door and remove the keys. The list goes on until we don’t violate the guy and change itself to not be annoyed at the jingle keys. The people you payed to come do your lawn started early to escape the august heat? That might be insensitive of them, but really, anger is a choice friend. Good and safe travels.
Reading this made me cross.
thanks for the allegory. to be clear, I didn’t pay anyone and I didn’t ask them to come. the landlord paid them to remove shrubs and make the place a little uglier. shrubs we weren’t allowed to maintain on our own to begin with. it’s all well and good if they want to avoid the heat, but why assume everyone else would be awake and start ringing all our doorbells? anyways I manage to not take any emotionally driven real world actions. mission successful!