My dog is fine, though, which is the most important thing to me. The raccoons scratched my arm kinda bad and my legs are covered in scratches. My doctor can’t be sure if the raccoons had saliva on their claws, and wants me to get rabies shots just in case. She sent me to an ER because she can’t get the shots in our area.
I’ve been at the hospital for 3 hours and haven’t been seen.
It’s after my bedtime and I have to wake up at 5am for work…
I’m not having a good time.
Choose your capitalist fate!
Path A: medical bankruptcy.
Path B: incurable disease and certain horrible death.
Quite a system the wealthy have built for us. I’ll be terribly disappointed if the book doesn’t end with a bunch of guillotines.
Path C: get fired without cause because you needed to take a day off to recover.
I’ll also be disappointed
So would I
Path C: Go out biting some people who have it coming.
Luckily we offer a guillotine protection insurance policy for an affordable $85,000,000 per year. It’s optional, but the upfront cost could be $650,000,000,000 if you get caught in a guillotine without it. Just be sure to get dragged to one of our in-network guillotines.
Call your lawyer and sue the shit out of those raccoons. I hear they’re rich.
Omfg you right. You think this guy would help?
He’s a tanuki/raccoon dog, not a raccoon
The law does not make such distinctions!
In Florida, you have to use the trash can you were assigned at birth.
I’m sorry this happened to you, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. By the time clinical signs of rabies present, you’re already a “dead man walking” so to say. I hope you and your dog are able to recover swiftly!
Exactly. I don’t want rabies. And thank you! My dog didn’t realize we were being attacked and wanted to play with the critters. Made it harder to get him inside. I didn’t even realize I was injured until some time later when I noticed scratches on me. Adrenaline is crazy.
Post exposure shots should be covered by nearly every insurance. The preexposure ones are not.
The shots are a lot cheaper than dying of rabies, which is often done in a hospital.
die in a hospital? In this economy? No thank you, I’d rather die at home.
A coworker of mine says, “If I’m meant to be in a hospital, I’ll wake up there.”
“Or die at home from a curable illness.”
Don’t be silly, you can’t afford to die there either.
Seriously, a couple years ago I asked an ER doctor to just let me die. I have insurance but the issue was air medevacc.
It’s bankruptcy expensive.
a couple years ago I asked an ER doctor to just let me die
Did they let you die?
He hasn’t answered yet, that’s not a good sign.
Man I’ve NEVER heard of a raccoon attack that’s fucked up. I’ve interacted with a million raccoons (including one that broke into my kitchen once) and they have never come close to attacking me. Sounds like they might indeed have rabies. Glad you and your pup sound ok. Just call in sick if you need the sleep tomorrow.
These raccoons were young and seemed scared. They made some wicked noises though. I stayed inside for as long as possible after that. I didn’t know if a mama raccoon was hanging around
Only in the US is it they expensive.
Otherwise infuriating and time-consuming… Perhaps everywhere. But really, rabies is not! something to mess around with. Even with the smallest chance.
$1500 or get rabies. Home of the free indeed lmao
On the positive side, you are now one of an elite group of those who have a raccoon attack story.
And lived to tell about it
Not only that, but a raccoon gang. That’s like an initiation into the raccoon underworld, full of human trash smugglers.
Medicare for all. Not only would your visit be free, but you’ll be paying less in taxes than handing blank checks to billionaires through for-profit insurance companies. That regularly deny your claims.
I just got the rabies series of vaccines.
Bill was $9800. After insurance it was $285.
Oh damn, I got the rabies vaccine when I worked part time at a vet school because they offered it. They were like “Uh but you’re IT, you don’t really need it, so you could skip the hassle…” and I was like “Why would I turn down an opportunity to get a vaccine? You’re paying for it, right? Reprogramming my immune system is awesome, sign me up!”
No wonder they looked annoyed, LMAO.
Uh but you’re IT, you don’t really need it
“You severely underestimate our users…”
I was advised to wait until I got out of the US to get the Rabies booster series. Ended up paying around $120 USD for all 3 shots. Checkmate, capitalists!
Wow that is just extortionate. How long is the vaccine valid for?
Umm I can’t actually remember. I think it’s something like 1-5 years.
Even at it’s longest, that’s about $2000 a year - that is still crazy.
Yeah it’s crazy how corporations just extort you when the alternative is death.
Oh wow
That’s a helluva expensive shot. I mean, you should definitely get it, but nobody should have to pay that much for it. I guess that’s USA…
That’s just the copays for all the shots. I have no idea how much of the vaccines will be covered
What the fuck is your copay? There are only like four shots for the vaccine.
Sucks to be waiting, but while your sitting there, maybe watch a few videos of people suffering from the effects of rabies. You probably won’t feel so bad about the wait after that.
Happy your pooch is safe and sound, as well
There were a bunch of crazy drug seekers and criminals and shit being treated and that was pretty entertaining lol
The simple fact that untreated rabies is almost 100% fatal means that the vaccine is worth it. Not many diseases are almost 100% fatal, and at least this one’s preventable if caught.
I’d just tell your work to fuck off.
No offense, but you’ll probably be waiting a long time. ERs typically have to deal with many simultaneous crises and you aren’t an emergent situation.
Some urgent care centers might have a rabies vaccine on hand.
I bet some asshole neighbor is feeding them and they are on vacation. So they see human and they think “food”.
Don’t feed any wild animals, your doing them a favor.
My neighbors feeds deer twice a day. It brings in so many other critters
Jeez here it is. I won’t bait or salt lick deer. Its all bad.
My neighbors feeds the deer corn and apples. He has them trained to come when he whistles. It’s so dangerous for the deer…