Been explained time and time again. Those are their natural instincts. They don’t like standing still water: potentially infected (reasonable in the nature), so they go for whatever is running, e.g. shower/tap as if it was a spring. They won’t drink any water placed next to their food for the same reason – in the nature it would’ve definitely be contaminated. You don’t drink from a puddle next to your decomposing yesterday’s pray.
So, a water fountain placed in a different room will solve all your issues.
I dunno about that guy posting about his cat ignoring the fountains and drinking from a puddle. The cat has an exquisite taste, what can I say.
My cat’s bowl is like 6 inches from her food and she doesn’t give a fuck. She chugs water like a frat boy at a kegger.
People drink Mountain Dew, you can’t expect all cats to have good taste either
This MF has 2 water bowls and a swanky ass stainless steel cat fountain but he’ll still wade out in 40°F mud puddles for a drink.
Maybe it’s about the adventure.
If your cat isn’t drinking from it’s water bowl then I suggest getting a fountain that continuously circulates the water.
I bought one of those last year. It was tipped over and water was all over the floor. So that asshole just has a normal bowl, and he seems content.
That’s why you’re supposed to tape it to the floor. Just make sure you tape it close enough to the fountain to drink…
I unfortunately can’t tape anything where my cat’s water is, because it’s in front of an attic door that I access from time to time… Unless I stock up on tape and re-tape it every time.
I use velcro. Works a treat.
Well, there’s something I haven’t thought of before haha. That’s too simple. I will have to try that next time I have a chance!
My first cat would climb on top of the fish tank and drink the water coming out of the filter. That lid on the tank wasn’t very solid, so I was sure he’d fall in at some point. I got him a circulating fountain and he stopped using the fish tank.
We also had a tabby that liked to drink from the kitchen sink. Moving the fountain away from the food helped that a lot.
Same. Or swapping the water more frequently, for mine it changed massively between replenishing the water once a day and doing it three times a day + using a cleaned bowl each time.
But getting a fountain is a much better solution, yeah. Alternatively have a decorative fountain, the little bastards prefer drinking those empty, anyways. 😑
My stepfather bought one of those and his cat still prefers the sink.
A big plus for the fountain, it holds more clean water and for longer, plus it alerts you by making annoying buzzing and splashing noises when it’s low.
I like that I can leave for a weekend and know the cats have more than enough clean water.
One of ours has taken an interest in my glass of whiskey a few times. The last thing we need is for that cat to be drunk. He’s enough trouble sober.
Had a dog steal wine once, she got slightly drunk and stayed away after, I wonder if cats would do the same. I quit years ago and got rid of it all so mine will never have the opportunity.
My cat always gets Corri’s what that smelly thing I’m drinking is, then he snuffs my whisky and recoils and makes a hugely regretful face.
The next day he’ll do it again. I love my little dummy.
My cats primary water source is her bowl, but she still feels the need to taste everything. I chase her away from puddles and stuff yelling that she has water and she just looks at me and licks her lips like “you think I give a fuck?”.
My cat thinks the shower is an evil murderer out to get him specifically.
We had a cat that would freak out when either of us was in the shower. I think she was worried because we were getting all wet.
My cat would sit on the edge of the tub between the shower curtains when he was a kitten, then he fell in once and never did that again.
I heard that cats don’t like to drink water that’s kept near their food. Maybe that’s it?
Most things are about the smell for cats. If they don’t like the water somewhere it means there’s a smell around that drives them away. Old food will do it, but it doesn’t need to be a smell that humans would even detect. It could just be pheromones.
My cat even drinks tea and lemonade …
Ooh, what a fancy puss.
She also likes soup, cereal, cheese, bread, potatoes and especially wet sausage.
I mean, who doesn’t like a wet sausage?
Yes, but not everyone would fight a being 30 times their size for that. She does.
Never had that problem. Keep the water clean and filled.
I keep our cats water clean and filled and it’ll always be her last resort. She’ll go for the water from the tap or my glass every time.
Get a fountain, or otherwise, moving water - water bowl.
In the wild you should never drink stagnant water because it’ll make you sick. No matter how fresh your cats water is - it’s still standing still.
That’s my Izzy. Loves running tap water.
My dog used to always seek out the most disgusting water she could find. I’m pretty sure it made her sick a couple times. She wasn’t all that bright in general, I’m afraid. She used to love jumping in the air to catch flying bugs, baby birds, and the like. Two or three times she caught a wasp and got stung inside her mouth.
She was a really sweet, loving dog though. Rest in Peace, Nora. <3
You forgot the toilet bowl.
Also shown: the basic void cat blob shapes
My dog too.