Post every suggestion as a separate comment to allow for people to vote & comment on each suggestion
Make people aware of it?? I’m on lemmy all day and filtering by all and local and saw like two passing references to this.
Definitely contact bigger instance admins and get a sticky post going before/during the events
In fediverse@lw there were three separate announcements
Offical user stats after it is done. Maybe a map to see all your placed pixels? Something like that.
Depending on whats possible, we could do something similar to R/place and every so often expand the canvas start off with something small eg.512x512 and add another 512 px. along side
If I remember right, r/place “scaled up” by adding more blank canvas. But it might be more interesting to actually scale up the previous pixels as well, so each iteration is overlaying the previous one with higher detail.
The end result wouldn’t look as empty, because it would be easier to fill large areas early on.
Or to make it more realistic, let it expand like the universe. I.e. add extra space between each two pixels:
w=blank/white, b=non-blank wwwww wbbbw wbbww wwwww -> wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwbwbwbwww wwwwwwwwww wwbwbwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwww
Or keep non-blank pixels together, because of pixel bounds.
i like this alot would be really interesting to see.
I like this idea. It also allows filling the previous larger art with more detail. Maybe once 50% of the Virgin pixels are used, it scales up.
I didn’t see it so sorry if it’s been said, but I would like it if you didn’t have the timer set to 1min when replacing pixels you yourself placed. Thank you, and thank you for doing all of this! It was great!
Permanent one working with a different model. Like 1 pixel per hour with a fixed drop rate (instead of this “stay and place as fast as you can for best performance”), and you can hold like 36 pixels. So basically you drop a few dozen pixels daily then you’re done. After every 100,000 clicks, you move the window 100 pixels to the right, making the leftmost 100 pixels locked forever creating a slowly growing endless immutable banner.
Infinite German flag? Sounds like an infinite German flag to me
You could mitigate that by adding a limited, rotating color pallet. every time pixels are locked two colors are taken away and two different colors are added. You would always be able to see beforehand when certain colors would be made available, enabling a new level of planing. It also forces creative solutions in defending your art
That idea would even work standalone without the immutable thing
Call it Tapestry
36 pixels at once would be fine early on when there’s plenty of room and everyone’s doing their own thing, but once it starts to fill up and people start interacting more, other people need time to respond to each pixel.
Maybe have the number go down over time, or say every time you overwrite an existing pixel it reduces your total stack capacity.
Well my point with 36 pixels is that it would let people use the site in a healthy way (daily) but also allow decent velocity of creation for a slow-developing canvas. The details could be tweaked I just figured “once a day sounds right, no pressure then” and "150 users doing 24 pixels per day would fill a 10th of the canvas (the scroll-right number, 100,000 pixels) in a month. Obviously the numbers could be tweaked depending on activity of the community and the dimensions of the editable canvas, I would just say targeting a good experience for “daily use” is healthy for a permanent site. Because I know my use of this site this weekend was anything but healthy.
Maybe put the cap at 16 (assuming hourly pixel generation), so you can hit the site twice daily plus a little wiggle room while still reaching peak output. Too often the canvas felt like being the little Dutch boy with the finger in the dike.
Imho the approach of punishing overwriting with slower regen is the right move - every overwrite pixel you place should add a 1 pixel delay to your pixel generation, so vandalizing (and repairing) takes twice as long as creating.
The chat wasn’t working for me. There is a hotkey (‘B’) for that but nothing appeared for me and I don’t know if something was wonky on my end. Would be nice to be able to easily communicate with other peeps during the event.
Like xuv said, it was a matter of moderation and how Matrix is much better setup for moderation. I failed to remove the mentions to the chat though, which did confuse people, sorry about that.
for next years I would like to better connect the on-site chat with Matrix to make chatting a lot easier (and bridging a Discord server to the Matrix space)
for next years I would like to better connect the on-site chat with Matrix
That would be great!
There were a couple questions about that here where the admin said they disabled it because they expected people to chat on Matrix instead. I imagine that’s easier to moderate etc but it would’ve definitely been more user friendly to have the built in one.
Also, after its done we can do something like r/place atlas too.
The data is publicly available for everyone in the thank you post
I am honestly worn out from running & maintaining the event to write it myself, but I welcome anyone to develop this tool for everyone :)
If someone decides to make this, just post it here or message me on matrix and I’ll pin it on this community!
I’m sure you’ve got this already from a load of places, but thanks for all the effort in putting this together—it was good fun and it’s nice to see we can do events like this on lemmy
I think doing it more often than reddit would be cool, not super frequent, maybe twice a year. For now the gui is amazing, and i loved this iteration of canvas!
I agree, we can just let it be a free for all but maybe someday we’ll do around events or something, so there are themes for everyone to try following (like around Christmas, the Linux community does a penguin with a Santa hat)
I disagree. Even people on Reddit thought once a year was too often, twice will definitely lead to burnout.
We could definitely do it yearly because the community is growing and a lot of people didn’t even know it was happening, but more than that will just turn it into a chore.
In the future, please do not ignore clear cases of abuse. The logs you published fully support the report reasons given by me in the case of one individual using 6 accounts, all newly made and going straight to grief as their first actions and throughout.
the pxls backend was spammed by reports done by the software itself (such as “account logged in with ip shared with 2,000 other users” due to a bug related to reverse proxy settings)
a lot of them we just couldn’t get to because the aforementioned bug created 60+ pages of reports with no bulk delete or filter options
next year’s system will be a lot better setup to avoid these types of issues happening tho!
Fair enough, but you were also personally aware of my post pointing out the issue, while sent me a message saying they’d check the logs in connection to this again, to which I replied by sending the account names in a PM.
I’ll PM you excerpts from the log that are quite conclusive about it being extremely likely to be the same person based on their activity. Hopefully it will help you be more prepared for something like this in the future.
deleted by creator
I’ve not touched the Volt stuff. Check the logs.
Ah ok i thought you were one of them. Sry mb
Make the event 1-2 days longer (total 4-5 days). 3 days was too short
Have some of the rules (like cooldown time and overdrawing penalty) vary spatially across the canvas. So there could be a “fast/dynamic” corner where it’s easy to interact and compete, and a “slow/static” corner where things stay put more (with intermediate values in between).
This could also be good feedback for future runs, because people could experience a variety of settings on the same canvas and see which they prefer.
besides the canvass, we could try something different. I really like that we don’t know what would be next year.
I would love to host other events besides Canvas!
If anyone has ideas for events they would like to see done, message me on Matrix or shoot me an email
But what? What other similar events are there?
if possible an ARG or something like the button from reddit.
deleted by creator
Different background colour so the final result doesn’t look as empty
Yes, I was thinking the same. You could even do a “flags blank” where it starts with flag-sized rectangles of various random colors.
Open a second phase with a black background.
Hexagon pixels. (Or weirdly shaped areas to be filled). It would force more creativity and get rid of all designs from previous rounds.
Weirdly shaped canvas yes, weirdly shaped pixels no, in my opinion. Not until I have a computer with hexagon pixels.
Doing a theme each year with an appropriately shaped canvas would make each year feel distinct