What is Lemmy?
Lemmy is a self-hosted social link aggregation and discussion platform. It is completely free and open, and not controlled by any company. This means that there is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others. Voting is used to bring the most interesting items to the top.
Major Changes
This version fixes the problem of comment context not loading properly. It also fixes a couple other bugs.
Support development
@dessalines and @nutomic are working full-time on Lemmy to integrate community contributions, fix bugs, optimize performance and much more. This work is funded exclusively through donations.
If you like using Lemmy, and want to make sure that we will always be available to work full time building it, consider donating to support its development. No one likes recurring donations, but they’ve proven to be the only way that open-source software like Lemmy can stay independent and alive.
- Liberapay (preferred option)
- Open Collective
- Patreon
- Cryptocurrency (scroll to bottom of page)
Upgrade instructions
Follow the upgrade instructions for ansible or docker. There are no config or API changes with this release.
If you need help with the upgrade, you can ask in our support forum or on the Matrix Chat.
Support development
I’ve subscribed monthly, if you can afford it, you should too!
There’s no present danger of making the development team rich enough to dismantle the capitalist state. The funding is yet to reach normal subsistence level. You can see the sums collected in each of the platforms.
Did someone say LemmyCoin?
No. 😅
Does anyone else have an issue where the browser back button causes Lemmy to go back twice?
In other words, if you click “next” at the bottom of your feed, open a post and press the back button, does it return to the original page?
Or, if you choose a sort, open a post and press the back button, does the sort get reverted?
It started happening to me in 0.18.3, but I don’t want to file a report if I’m the only one experiencing this
Yes, this and the broken comment context has made browsing seriously painful
Oh, so It’s not just me. I’ll do what I can to find the cause
Still happens to me on chrome with the webpage. I’m using Sync almost exclusively now and it doesn’t have this bug.
I tried it and if I click next, I go to page 2. Then I open a post and click the back button on the browser. And then I’m back on page 2, as expected.
Also tried to switch sorting method and it remembers the sorting method when I go back from a post as expected.
I think probably you have some plugin that is interfering. Try with another browser or a clean browser profile.
I can reproduce it on Android in Firefox Nightly, but not in incognito mode (even while logged in). It happens in Chromium as well, including in incognito mode
In Firefox, I’ve tried disabling all add-ons and tracking protection and clearing cache and cookies, to no avail
I could test on other phones and operating systems, but I don’t really want to spend more time on this. It’s not that big of an issue for me
Hmm. That’s really weird. Hopefully someone else in this thread can test also so we get more info.
🥳 Thanks to all involved.
Feature request: an option to aggregate all comments of crossposted posts. It would save manually going through each crosspost
put it in the github
Could we get some more feature parity in the old.lemmy by chance? There’s no ability to block users, and you should be able to block a group without going into it first. (Let’s give you an example here. You don’t wanna see horse porn. It shows up in /c/ALL. You have to… VISIT the horse porn group, in order to block it…)
That’s developed by a third party so you’ll have to ask them.
You can block users / communities in lemmy-ui by going to their profile.
You can block users / communities in lemmy-ui by going to their profile.
I’m not the user you’re responding to and don’t use the ui they’re talking about, but going to those profiles can be more upsetting than the original comment or post, especially if it’s set up with large images or gifs. It’d be a lot nicer if blocking could be done from other places, too.
You can also block / report them from their comments / posts.
Ah, I see that for users now. Thanks! Would still be nice to be able to block communities from afar, too, fwiw.
Here’s a link to the source, where you may be able to submit a feature request: https://github.com/rystaf/mlmym
Those alternative lemmy interfaces are made by other volunteers IIRC
Thanks for the hard work. I’ve cancelled my Patreon and switched to Liberapay.
Removed by mod
deleted by creator
i.e.: SHA1 and not just SHA256 digests
If you don’t mind what’s the problem with the current implementation of 2fa?
deleted by creator
Weird it worked for me on Aegis without any problem!
I missed the AMA, but I saw someone ask about archiving Lemmy and one of you two had mentioned that the instances kinda already do. In a sense they do, but only for subscribed instances. I feel like there could be something a bit more dedicated for the purpose of archival.
Do you have any thoughts or tips on the best way to tackle that? I have a bit of rust experience and willing to look into it.
You can use the lemmy-stats-crawler (or part of the code) to get a list of instances. Then use endpoints
to retrieve the content.Good to know, thanks!
Is there a way - as a user - to block/ignore whole instances instead of only single communities?
Phone apps are doing it, but not sure if that is part of the base functionality. (I use Connect and I can block users, communities or instances.)
If not there are clients that do this already.
cough cough lemmygrad cough cough
Edit: I don’t have a personal problem with you if you’re a communist guys, I just don’t want my feed full of communist memes
This one. And 2-3 others that popped up in the federated timeline recently.
Thank you!
i assume/hope this is why .world is down?
Nice, hopefully this fix Sync for Lemmy issues with sorting.
Excellent GG!!