DOOM Eternal
game eventually ends
See also: Duke Nukem Forever
See also: Duke Nukem Forever
See also: BioShock: Infinite.
See also Halo Infinite
And Katamari Forever
They were probably referring to the development time.
> Final Fantasy
> For the 16th fucking timeCompare that to:
> Endwalker
> Literally walk to the final bossNo Man’s Sky
Obviously I am up here
Therefore you are a woman
Assigned female at purchase
“Oh, Trans’ Sky”
But you don’t own the sky
Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot standTake me out [Wash has been removed from the chat]
To the black
Tell them I ain’t comin’ back
I don’t care
I’m still free
You can’t take the sky from me
Take my love
Take my land
Take me where I cannot standThat’s still my ringtone.
> Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
> Not a single vice to be found
> House Flipper
> All houses are orientated normally
> Untitled Goose Game
> Has title
> Octodad
> Absolutely not a single octopus in the game whatsoever
> Golf With Your Friends
> No friends.
I was thinking Vice City, no vices?? But I think I get what sort of vice you mean now
For anyone else who still doesn’t understand!
deleted by creator
Depends on if you’re using British or American English
Oh wow, now I want to make one of those physics gimmick games where you fire houses out of a trebuchet.
I will back this project on Kickstarter
I feel like I have enough of a skillset and experience that with a solid free month I could make a terrible iteration of this.
Now all I need is the month.
Because of the use of the superior siege engine, I thoroughly approve.
I have to challenge the octodad one: He has a wife and children obviously he isn’t single !
With Octodad joke, are you implying that you didn’t see through the disguise? If so, I don’t think it fits with the rest and is confusing, tbh.
Not so much that I didn’t see through the disguise, more that the running joke of the game is that nobody else sees it other than the chef.
That’s what I meant, you’re making the joke from the perspective of a person that doesn’t realize there’s an octopus in the game, even though there is one.
And the reason I said it’s confusing is because the game title is only perceived by the player of the game, and the player is explicitly told/shown that you’re playing as an octopus. So the perspective used in the joke is impossible, but I understand that I’m being pedantic, feel free to ignore my ramblings caused by the uncontrollable urge to point out the inconsistency.
Everyone in that game can see he’s an octopus, to the point you could argue it’s also explicitly shown to them (he literally has an octopus head and tentacles in full visibility, and can’t even speak English) and one character besides the chef is confused upon finding out no one else realised.
I think you’d have a hard time making an argument it’s hidden from any in game character any better than the player.
Let me try to, anyway.
IIRC, you start the game in the aquarium as an octopus, and then escape. That’s when you’re explicitly shown to be an octopus. Every NPC, however, sees the octopus in some amount of disguise. So even if we constantly roll a nat 1 on perception check like all the NPC, we didn’t have to roll it on the first encounter, therefore we know it’s an octopus.You don’t remember correctly. The aquarium escape is near the end of the game and the first time we see him out of disguise. We start the game at his wedding and then time skip to his house, he starts clothed both times.
Is that so? Then, I stand corrected and retract my complaint, it somewhat makes sense now. And in my defense, it’s been more than a decade since I played and I think I finished it in one sitting, so it’s a blur.
You’re a very fun person
What, you don’t find it fun to understand humor more in-depth by overanalyzing to death the aspects of a joke?! What a weirdo…
You know what, shout out to Concord here. The official definition of a concord:
agreement or harmony between people or groups.
Everyone did in fact agree not to play the game.
I’ve read a wiki page about it, critics didn’t even score it too low. To me it seems that the issue was that Sony tried to make something just to profit off, without considering making it fun or novel, unexpectedly people didn’t want to pay for yet another multiplayer shooter without anything new.
>Battlefield 4
>Actually has 32 multiplayer maps which would constitute a battlefield
>Pokémon Yellow
>Has other colors
>Actually has 32 multiplayer maps which would constitute a battlefield
> Is at least the sixth game in the Battlefield franchise, with the most generous possible interpretation of what counts as a mainline game.
>Dark Souls
>Souls emit light>Hyper Light Drifter
>There’s no car in the game>Final Fantasy
>Has more than 10 sequels, hardly “final”>Dark Souls
>Literally only one Dark Soul
To be fair, DLC souls are pretty dark, and “drifter” also means “wanderer”
Team Fortress 2
No Fortress, nobody plays as a fucking team, and it’s the third game.
I technically it might be the first game on the account of the previous 2 being mods.
Then it’d have been called Team Fortress 1.
first game was TF0
game versions are zero-indexed
Counter Strike
Only initial strikes
Switch sides after the first game, there’s your counter strike.
Nope, as everything is reset. In this universe it’s clearly a new timeline independent of the first round.
> Legend of Zelda > You're playing as Link save for a few games
> Wolfenstein 3D > Best it can do is raycasting and 2D sprites scaled
> Valve Software Inc. > Is a game developer and publishing company, does not develop software for plumbing
> Epic Games > Nowadays only create Fortnite, which is the opposite of being epic
> Enter the Matrix > No math whatsoever in the game
Target audience is GPUs
> find “matrix filter” on shadertoy
> look inside
> pow
Legend of Zelda
But you’re saving Zelda, so I think it gets a pass. Link’s Awakening is right out though, Zelda isn’t even a character in that one.
Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D
2.5D engines. 😏
it’s a rounding error
Rounding up on .5 is the most common method of rounding!
They call it halflife because Gordon is middle aged
He is 27 tho
Ya, but look at what he does at his job. He’ll be lucky to make it to 54.
and that’s why it’s called half life
And G-Man puts him into space prison for about another 27 years. I say name sticks
Oxygen not Included: Starts with oxygen.
Killing floor
Scenery is non-destructible
Black Mesa
All the mesas are actually brown
Max Payne 2:The Fall of Max Payne
Actually he does fall over a lot in this game
Literally everything is out of control